What is EFABI? WHO WE ARE? What does EFABI stands for?

Let me first asks myself few possible Questions which are better be answered.

  1. What is this EFABI?

  2. WHO are you running this organisation?

  3. What does EFABI stands for?

  4. Why you do what you do?

  5. How to be part of EFABI?

  6. What we can achieve through EFABI?

Rest you write in the comment we will edit the post or answer some other way incorporating your queries.


Let us begin.

What is this EFABI?

Efforts for a better india or [EFABI ] is an organisation which has Been started on probably 17th july 2019. Our chief aim is spread good. Deriving from this name we are

EFABI is change and EFABIANS are AGENTS of Change [you,me,us]

How it began?

District Administration of Singhbhoom(west) had offered an opportunity to young people studying in reputed colleges like IITs,NITs,JNU and Chaibasa engineering college west Singhbhoom and many more.

Under the guidance of DDC( district development commissioner) IAS Aditya Ranjan sir, we were assembled and did an administrative internship.

What was our work?

As sir explained us later mainly it was an attempt to give exposure to young students about how government functions

We were given some options as field of interest to choose which included

  1. Field work: DAP+library making. DAP: district action plan we were given all necessary authority and permission to work in coordination with Gram panchayat under the BDO(Block development officer) sir/Ma'am. We were supposed to consult with local people by organising the Panchayat under Gram Pradhan and finally prepare a concise report regarding what should be the path of Action meeting the most pressing demands of the block.

  2. WOW: wonder on wheels initiative: An Experiment Van going to schools as almost many of schools do not have necessary equipments to do experimental in school labs so it would go and take a class and let children's know about practical aspect of teaching.

  3. NHM

  4. Creating modules for the children, planning test for all the students studying in selected schools for their weekly practice of what they have learned.

  5. Computer education: A team was dedicated to teach and guide students by training them for necessary computer skills

Definitely there was much more but i think just to give you the glimpse of what we were supposed to do it is enough.

Still just to clarify, every district runs many programs to handle challenges of every aspect of common life from Health Education, Planning for development, Checking on departmental irregularities like bunking the duty hours, false presence, rogue accountability etc So we interns were like 9o more hands and 40+ more fresh brains in the system .

It was primarily giving us opportunity to learn by doing, by exploring whatever field we want and assist in decision making.

So how EFABI is connected ? Obviously what does all this story means in context of EFABI?

It was then thought and our beloved Aditya Sir suggested, you will be doing lots of things in this remote place, it will be damn tough and challenging thus interesting and fun so it would be great idea if we can let others know what we are doing because today as much as it is important to do, is also important to let people know as it attracts like minded people.

It was not a liability or forced suggestion anyone was free to do things and equally free to not do.

[Now about me]

So now comes the role of founder of EFABI.

Hello people, this is Rajveer Singh currently doing B-tech from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad final year .

I love doing things, different things, writing, reading, sharing, and lot more. I always wanted to create something i even tried to make Facebook pages and failed like for 3 times. Anyways coming to the point when we successfully founded this organisation.

Sir suggested to make something which lets people know about what we are doing in CHAIBASA or the epicenter of our internship. I tried a lot asking friends for a good name but it happens, people just don't shoe any enthu when you start something ( though they were all supportive) literally after two days this name came up to my head when i saw Better india another organisation it clicked me and thus the ACRONYM EFABI: Efforts For A better India came into existence.

This is the right place to say, i had a small team behind all of this so i would let you know about them

ADITYA SIR+My Partner: Akash Jain+ANUPAMA VINAYAK(among the anchor)+SACHIN ROY+VIDYA

These people made this organisation possible in thier own way.

[Motivation and Objective ]

we fight because there are many loose holds in every layer of this multilayered system. A lot to criticize because a lot of bad is there but ‼️ ,but‼️ but‼️,

There is enough good to stop turning us into walking tomb of negativity i just feel there is vacuum of good news the good that happens somewhere but not shared not popularized neither any significant initiative propelling us to be a genuine do gooder. My objective behind EFABI reflects by spread good attitude that is a strong force making me thing, appreciate what others are doing.

I just feel them when my PAPA spread so much rice grains on the roof, initially i used to think what yar, PAPA just go to roof and spatter the rice but you know what when i now see after almost years that so many birds come on my roof chattering, squirrels ( 2 days back 5 on the wall at same time) i just love this

You will perhaps understand my sense of happiness if you observe that we don't have sparrows as many as we use to have earlier, we don't have good water( even hand pumps are giving awful smelly water) they are uncountable.

I loved this idea of spreading Good and atleast try to do little good by myself (How? I love to tell things to young kids i know they do not understand anything, nor they are able to appreciate what a curiosity is) still i try pushing them to think( just one example, i try to not cut the shampoo and throw away the smaller part, rather cut such a way that it remains intact

These are very small things but i have faith on these small things i believe we are made up of many such small things, a lot many

How to be part of EFABI?

Share your good things your habits, actions, somebody's others actions you admire and are imitate_able and we shall share them to the masses.

If you feel proud in saying yourself EFABIAN and do things Qualifying EFABI( efforts for a better india) you are already part of EFABI❤️.

What we Can achieve via EFABI?

Answer is : ∞

Its limitless what the deeds of one person can create. We have only one SONU SOOD many think what he can do alone, yes r8, but you know what when it comes from within you it stays and you are seen as alone but actually you arr not. Everyone who learns from you becomes the part of the larger intense ROAR

People sometimes say I don't any reason to love you( in case of lovers) but when i apply reverse of this common statement i find i have hundreds of Reasons to do what i have started.

Together we will build a better world just start it small like any small #EFABI

EFABI: Spread good ❤️

P.S: I tried to give you little idea. About this organisation but feel free to ask any other query and have patience. Because over this long period i have seen people coming dropping what is this, who are you etc without any interest to the cause of doing good.


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